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CREEM 2022 - XXVIII Congresso Nacional de Estudantes de Engenharia Mecânica
O efeito de um campo magnético na reologia de uma solução aquosa com distribuição de cristais de sal
Submission Author:
Victor Hugo Suarez Solis , DF
Victor Hugo Suarez Solis, Igor Dal Osto Pereira, Francisco Ricardo Cunha
Presenter: Victor Hugo Suarez Solis
In this article, the rheological effects of applying an external magnetic field to a suspension composed of NaCl crystals dispersed on an aqueous supersaturated solution of the same salt are studied using experimental protocols of the Laboratory of Microhydrodynamics and Rheology of the University of Brasília. The device used in the experiments is a parallel disk rheometer equipped with a magnetic cell. Static tests at constant temperature are performed in the absence of flow. These tests indicate, by microscopy observation, that the mean length of the crystals microstructure after recrys- tallization is greater the more intense the magnetic field applied to the samples is. By rheometric experiments (laminar flow regime), we evaluated the behavior of the suspension viscosity in a weak flow regime at a controlled temperature for six increasingly higher magnetic field intensities. These tests show that the suspension viscosity decreases in a nonlinear fashion as the magnetic field intensity increases. The suspensions present a shear-thinning for every applied magnetic field, which is well described by a power-law model.
Magnetic Fields, Salt microcrystal Suspension, Recrystallization, Pseudoplasticity