apostas esportivas afun

S8 Aerospace Engineering

The Aerospace Engineering Symposium has the objective of gathering the aerospace community for dissemination and discussion of the research and development activities, as well as technological applications, in the area. The  symposium is designed to encompass a broad range of topics, including aerodynamics, aerospace structures, aeroelasticity, propulsion and combustion, atmospheric flight dynamics and orbital dynamics, guidance and control, materials
and thermal and acoustic interfaces as they pertain to aerospace applications. 

It is expected that the papers presented at the symposium include computational,  experimental and applied work, so that a comprehensive framework of the aerospace research in Brazil is presented.  In that sense, invited talks shall be programmed within selected technical sessions. The participation of colleagues from abroad is welcome and it is hoped that such interaction could lead to effective collaboration with the Brazilian community. It is also hoped that the symposium could have a synergistic role in the coordination of work in progress at the several  institutions involved, opening a forum which is expected to continue beyond the Congress. In that spirit, space projects in Brazil shall be discussed, including invited talks on these projects.

Scientific Committee:
João Luiz Filgueiras de Azevedo (IAE/CTA) - Presidente
Olympio Achilles de Faria Mello (IAE/CTA) - Vice-Presidente
Philippe Devloo (UNICAMP) - Vice-Presidente
Alvaro Luiz Gayoso de Azeredo Coutinho (COPPE/UFRJ) - Membro
Armando Miguel Awruch (UFRGS) - Membro
Bento S. de Mattos (EMBRAER) - Membro
Carlos Eduardo Seraphico de Souza Migueis (LCP/INPE) - Membro
Carlos Eduardo Stolf Cesnik (MIT, USA) - Membro
Eduardo Morgado Belo (EESC/USP) - Membro
Jacques Periaux (Dassault Aviation, France) - Membro
Luis Fernando Figueira da Silva (CNRS, France) - Membro
Mario Kataoka (INPE) - Membro
Renato Pavanello (UNICAMP) - Membro
Veniamin Malyshev (MAI, Russia) - Membro
Waldemar de Castro Leite Filho (IAE/CTA) - Membro

COBEM99 | Organizing Committee | Keynotes | Technical  Sessions | Author | Symposia and special sessions | Referees
Work  Titles | Venue