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09 OCT 2017 ‹ VOLTAR

ABCM and The GoFly Prize social and press materials

Notícias ABCM Nº 01/2017

ABCM and The GoFly Prize social and press materials

We are proud to join our friends at GoFly to announce the launch of their $2,000,000, two-year international incentive competition to create a personal flying device that can be safely used by anyone, anywhere.

With Boeing as its Grand Sponsor, and ABCM as an organizational partner, GoFly’s goal is to catalyze the creation of a safe, quiet, ultra-compact, near-VTOL personal flying device capable
 of flying 20 miles while carrying a single person or dummy.   

We join GoFly to invite all our members to participate in two ways: organize a team to compete and win up to $2,000,000 in prizes, or to mentor the teams within your particular area of

GoFly offers three prize phases:
1. Phase 1 offers 10 prizes at $20,000 each, based off of paper technical specifications.
2. Phase 2 offers 4 prizes at $50,000 each, based off of a VTOL demonstration.  
 3. Phase 3 Prizes are awarded at a Final Fly Off and total $1,600,000.

All Teams will have the opportunity to learn from world-renowned aviation leaders in monthly global webinars-- and when one-on- one help is needed, all Teams will have access to the GoFly Mentor program, where Teams work directly with Mentors in their specific areas of need.   Today we look to the skies and say “look at that plane fly,” but two years from now we’ll look up
 and say “look at that person fly.”  

ABCM is thrilled to join GoFly in this historic endeavor, and we invite all our members to join us in making history.  For full rules and to visit the registration portal, please visit the .

Ready, Set, GoFly!