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Informe Especial ABCM JOVEM - Palestra: A Revolução dos Métodos Computacionais no Projeto Atual de Engenharia
Caros Colegas,
É com imenso prazer que a ABCM JOVEM convida a todos para a segunda palestra do Ciclo de Palestras ABCM Jovem. Temos a honra de receber como convidado especial o Prof. Dr. Emílio Carlos Nelli Silva, que abordará o tema "A Revolução dos Métodos Computacionais no Projeto Atual de Engenharia".
Data: 08/07
Hora: 19:00
Sobre o Palestrante:
Dr. Silva is Professor Titular of Department of Mechatronics and Mechanical Systems Engineering at Polytechnic School of University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. He obtained Bachelor and master degree in Mechanical Engineering from Polytechnic School, USP, in 1990 and 1993, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, in 1998. During his Ph.D studies at U. of Michigan, he received two awards: Distinguished Achievement Award and Ivor K. McIvor Award, given in recognition of excellence of academic staff, and excellent performance in research, respectively. Dr. Silva has a productivity research fellowship from CNPq (Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development) level 1A. His research focused primarily in studying topology optimization methods applied to multiphysics problems, including fluidic systems such as blood pumps. Currently, he is also the Deputy Director of Engineering Program of Research Center for Gas Innovation (RCGI) (// As a result of the dissemination of his research work during his career, Dr. Silva has published 130 publications in indexed international scientific journals. Dr. Silva is a member of the editorial board of journals MRC, JSMO, IJSSD, IJCESM, and editor-in-chief of the journal “Polytechnica”. He was the “Chair” of the “MM&FGM2014” congress, held in Brazil, 2014. Dr. Silva acts as an ad hoc consultant for national and international funding agencies.
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