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Annoyance caused by aircraft noise in the proximities of Bacacheri Airport
Submission Author:
Giovanni Corsetti Silva , PR
Giovanni Corsetti Silva, Daniel de Oliveira e Souza, PAULO HENRIQUE TROMBETTA ZANNIN
Presenter: Giovanni Corsetti Silva
This paper describes the reactions to aircraft noise of people living in the vicinities of a medium sized airport (airport of Bacacheri) located in a densely populated urban area, based on questionnaires handed out to 250 people living or working near the airport in order to determine the effects of aircraft noise and environmental noise in their lives. Sound maps were also created to evaluate the impact of noise generated by the airport. It was stated that the maximum equivalent sound pressure level (LMax) generated during takeoffs exceeds 100 dB(A). It is reasonable to consider that one-third of people living near Bacacheri Airport feel particularly annoyed between 6 and 8 a.m. due to the highest flow of airplane takeoffs and landings.
aircraft noise, Environmental Noise, Noise Annoyance, Noise Mapping