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CREEM 2022 - XXVIII Congresso Nacional de Estudantes de Engenharia Mecânica


Submission Author: Luciane Calabria , RS
Co-Authors: Ramon Ribeiro, Luciane Calabria
Presenter: Ramon Ribeiro




The mid-size pickup trucks are gaining more and more acceptance in the global market. There was an increase of 33.19% in total sales of this segment, and therefore, the sales of automotive accessories grow in the same way. For some people, running boards for pickup trucks are very important items to complement their vehicles. In search of a new market, there is the necessity of developing a retractable running board for those users who approve of its usefulness, but not its appearance. Mechanisms are present in most of the items we use in our daily lives. A mechanism that is capable of retracting the running board when it is not necessary for the user was developed. Software programs were used to sketch the system, adapt it to the dimensions of the vehicle. The workload is established taking into account average weight calculated by the BMI formula. In Ftool software, the simulation brought the exact reaction value generated in the supports through the applied loads. The finite element analysis (FEA) made the union of all data generated with the chosen material and showed the results of the maximum tension and deformation of the product in use, showing that the dimensional generated for the mechanism meets the objectives.





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